diciembre 2022

Reasons and effects you can get if you read Surah Yaseen

Reasons and effects you can get if you read Surah Yaseen a lot of times

The All-Mighty Allah informs us that two of the most significant benefits of reading the Quran are having our souls cleansed of sins and other forms of spiritual disease and receiving His favor.  In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) clarifies that some Surahs are meant to be read while keeping these goals in mind. One …

Reasons and effects you can get if you read Surah Yaseen a lot of times Leer más »

what are the five pillars of islam?

What are the Five Pillars of Islam “Arkan Al Islam”  

The first pillar is Shahadah; the profession of faith in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as his messenger. The second pillar is Salat (prayers), performed at least five times daily facing Makkah. Thirdly, Zakat (almsgiving) involves paying 2 ½ % annual donation from one’s possessions for welfare purposes.  The fourth pillar, fasting …

What are the Five Pillars of Islam “Arkan Al Islam”   Leer más »

what are the Best Quran memorization techniques you need to know?

Best Quran memorization techniques you need to know

Quran memorization is one of the noble goals that every Muslim seeks to achieve. This task might be mentally, physically, and spiritually challenging, but it is worth the effort. And if you are non-Arabic speaking, Quran memorization will be a little challenging for you so you will need specific techniques for memorization.  For that reason, …

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