Ramadan is the holy month of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, and it is the month of the Quran and ibadah. In this holy month. All Muslims have to abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk for 30 days.
Ramadan fasting has a lot of benefits for Muslims physically and mentally and reminds you to focus on your faith and work on personal growth.
Fasting isn’t just about not eating. It’s about learning to have sympathy with others, learning self-restraint, and giving to others in need.
How is Ramadan fasting going?
Ramadan fasting means that a person must, in obedience to the commands of Allah, from the time of Adhan for Fajr (Dawn) prayers up to Maghrib (sunset).
And here is how is Ramadan fasting going, so keep reading the following points:
- Making an intention to fast
It is not necessary for a person to pass the niyyat for fasting through his mind or to say that he would be fasting on the following day.
It is sufficient for him to decide that in obedience to the command of Allah, he will not perform any from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers up to Maghrib, any act which may invalidate the fast.
And to ensure that he has been fasting throughout this time he should begin abstaining earlier than the Adhan for Fajr prayers and continue to refrain for some time after sunset from acts that invalidate a fast.
2. Doing Ramadan routine during the day
During the day, we abstain from eating, drinking, and sexual relations as well as avoid cursing, backbiting, and losing our temper, and promote praying and spiritual activities like reading Quran or learning about the faith.
During the month, we are also getting a taste of how the poor feel so acts of charity (and good deeds really) are highly encouraged.
Fasting is compulsory for every Muslim except if he is in these few conditions he is exempt from fasting.
- Sickness
- Traveling (if it’s long enough may shorten prayers.)
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding (If it’s dangerous for the child’s health)
- Senility or old age (If the person has lost all his strength and can’t bear fasting)
- Intense hunger and thirst (which may cause a threat to life a person is allowed to eat and drink as much as he requires to ward off the hunger and later he will not eat or drink until sunset. And makeup that fasts later on).
- Compulsion (If someone is compelling you to fast against your will, you are not obliged to fast).
- Women on menses.
What are the rules of Ramadan fasting?
In Islam Ramadan is all about meditation and getting closer to Almighty Allah by giving up your normal chores and finding time to connect with your creator.
For that there are some rules to keep your Ramadan fasting during the day:
1- Avoid food & drink during the daytime from sunrise to sunset.
2-Avoid losing your temper during fasting hours.
3- Avoid anything which is also forbidden and sinful the rest of the year as well, like back-biting & gossiping, swearing, watching movies, and seeking sexual pleasures of any kind.
4- being dishonest, racist, discriminatory, and judgmental to anyone because of his/her color, race, religion, language, and anything which you dislike in others for no particular reason.
If you can do all the above things on top of not missing mandatory prayers then Congratulations your fast has been accepted.
and Allah has promised great rewards for you in the hereafter which will be 1000 times more pleasing and everlasting compared to the temporary pleasures in this world.
What are the benefits of Ramadan fasting?
In the first instance, it is pertinent to say that the month of Ramadan (the ninth lunar month) is a period of compulsory fasting. The following are some of the benefits associated with fasting this month:
- Ramadan fasting work as a Purification of hearts and insight
Fasting in the month of Ramadan, according to some Hadiths, purifies the hearts and enhances the insights of its observers.
2. Attaining consciousness of God (Taqwa)
Following the Quranic report (Quran 2: 183), Ramadan fasting will infuse in its observers the consciousness of God. A quality that is necessary for salvation in this world and the Hereafter.
3. Ramadan fasting help Overcome whims:
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is a whole month of a training program that allows its observers to have control over their whims.
4. Ramadan fasting is a great Self-reformation
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is an avenue for self-reformation and self-transformation. For the fact that fasting is not just a renunciation of food and drinks, it is also a renunciation of all bad and sinful acts.
5. Promoting Unity to Muslim communities
Fasting Muslims worldwide on the same lunar month is indeed a unifying factor of the Muslim community.
6. A perfect way to Become healthy
One of the associated benefits of fasting, according to some Hadiths, is that it goes a long way in protecting the bodies of its observers from the infliction of several diseases.
Also, Fasting is now found to be anti-cancerous too. When our body is under energy stress, it tries to eliminate all inefficiencies. However, most Muslims complain that they eat more during Ramadan and gain weight.
This is a little disappointing since Islamically, you are not supposed to be eating that way during Ramadan. You should fill only 1/3 of your stomach with food, and 1/3 with water and then leave the other 1/3 empty as the prophet Muhammad advised us.
7. Appreciating the blessings of God
Ramadan fasting is an avenue for the rich and well-to-do individuals to appreciate the blessings of God in their possession and to understand the conditions of the poor and less privileged individuals in society.
Ramadan fasting is a protection and a shield for a believer against further troubles and future sins. This is a learning period, to gain control over your senses and abilities, so make an effort and don’t miss it.