Ramadan Dua for breaking fast 2023 you need to know in 

what is thebest Ramadan Dua for breaking fast 2023
what is thebest Ramadan Dua for breaking fast 2023
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Ramadan is the holiest month of the year for all Muslims, and it is a time of immense blessings. All Muslims around the world increase their worship, and good deeds, and make plenty of dua.

Dua for Muslims is considered one of their weapons due to its power and ability to bless and grant us victory. And in Ramadan, the dua of believers is powerful, especially during fasting, according to the Hadith of the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. So in this article, we will discuss Ramadan Dua for breaking fast, and other Duas to say during this holy month.

Best Dua of Ramadan

what is the Best Dua of Ramadan?
what is the Best Dua of Ramadan?

Before the beginning of Ramadan, there is the sighting of the crescent moon which is a sign of the first day of Ramadan. So many Muslims when they see the new moon, they should recite the following:

اللَهمَ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالأَمنِ وَالإِيمانِ والسَّلامَة والإِسْلام رَبِي وربُّكَ اللهُ

Allahuma ahilahu Alaina bil iman wal eman was Salama wal Islam, Rabbi wa Rabbukah Allah, Allah is the greatest, o Allah, let this Ramadan bring us peace, faith, safety, and Islam, our god and your god is Allah.

In this Dua, we ask Allah to make all the days of Ramadan to be filled with peace, and safety. And we ask Allah to bless us with succeeding in all that he loves and pleases him. Other Duas for Ramadan are as follows:

  1. Ya Allah forgives us in this beautiful month of Ramadan.
  2. Ya Allah forgives our big and small sins.
  3. We know that we have done a lot of sins but today we are here to seek forgiveness. Ya Allah forgives us on this beautiful last day of Ramadan.
  4. May Allah guide us to the straight path of those whom you bestowed upon them.
  5. Ya Allah strengthens us to spread Islam through Social apps.
  6. Ya Allah accepts every letter that we read, accepts every fast that we kept.
  7. Ya Allah protects us and our children, our wives and husbands, our brothers and our sisters ya Allah.
  8. Ya Allah grants us good health and grants us a blessing in everything that you have given us Ya Allah. We ask you to bless us.
  9. We promise that we will turn towards you. Ya Allah, we will never turn away from you Ya Allah.

Ramadan Dua for keeping fast

Before getting to know the Ramadan dua for breaking fast, let us have a look at the dua for keeping fast. As it is important to get up for Suhoor or a pre-dawn meal before the rising of the sun and beginning the fast.

So when the sun sets Muslims can only enjoy Iftar or the evening meal by breaking their fast. So there is dua as an intention for fasting each day of Ramadan:

اللَهمَ اني نَّوَيْتُ صوم غَدٍ من شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

Allahuma enni nawait sawmi ghadinn min-shahri Ramadan, Oh, Allah, I intend to fast tomorrow during the month of Ramadan

This Dua for keeping fast is an intention for Muslims to fast every day of Ramadan. In Islam, every Muslim should make a sincere intention for doing any sort of action to be considered an act of worship.

Ramadan Dua for breaking Fast

Before you break your fast, there is a special Dua for breaking Fast Muslims should recite in Arabic or English.

اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ وَعَليْكَ تَوَكّلتُ وَعَلى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ

Allahumma inni laka sumt, wa bika aamanty, wa alayka tawakaltu, wa ala rezqika aftartu. Oh, Allah, I have fasted for you, and I believe in you and I have put my trust in you, and with what you bestowed me I have broken my fast. This Dua for breaking fast is to thank Allah and seek his mercy and blessings to accept our fast.

Another Dua for breaking fast is as follows:

ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الأجر إن شاء الله

Dhaba al dhama wa abtallatl urooq wa thabat al-ajr Inshallah. The thirst is gone, the veins are wet with water, and the reward is granted by the will of Allah. In this dua for breaking fast, we ask Allah to reward us in this holy month with our fasting and dua.

Ramadan Dua for the last ten days 

We mentioned before Ramadan dua for breaking fast, now let’s get to dua for the last ten days of Ramadan. So make sure to recite the following dua every night for the last ten days, as much as you can.

(1) اللَّهُم اِنك عفُوٌّ تُحبُ العفوَ فَاعفُو عنَّا 

Allahumma innaka Afuwwun, tuhibbu alaffwa, fAafu Aanna, Oh, Allah, you are the most forgiving, and you love to forgive, so forgive us.

اَستَغفُر الله الذي لَا إِله إلاّ هو الحَيٌّ القَيُّوم وأتُوبٌ إِليه (2) 

Astaghfirullah alladzi laa illah ella hwal alhaiyul-quayyoum wa-atubu ilaihi. I seek Allah’s forgiveness who is no god but him, who is living for eternal, and I make my repentance towards him.

Dua for breaking fast in Ashura

what is the Dua for breaking fast in Ashura?
what is the Dua for breaking fast in Ashura?

Besides Ramadan, Muslims do fasting on notable days throughout the year, especially in Ashura. Ashura is the name given to the 10th of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar.

As the prophet, Muhammad P.B.U.H used to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram to memorize the historic Islamic events such as parting the seas by the prophet Musa.

Although the dua for breaking fast is the same whether it’s in Ramadan or Ashura. But here is an additional dua you can say to break the fast in Ashura.

اللّهُمَّ اِنّي اَسألٌك برحْمَتك الّتي وَسعت كٌل شيّ أن تغفر لي.

Allahumma inni as aluka birahmatikal latii wasiat kulla shayin an-taghfira-lee. Oh, Allah, I ask you to forgive me with your forgiveness which encompasses everything. Now, we have learned different dua for breaking fast, let’s discover some of Ramadan’s benefits.

Benefits of fasting in Ramadan on the human body

I must point out that Ramadan’s main purpose is not some “health and fitness program” for the Muslims but it’s a training program to alleviate the spiritual control over the ‘nafs’ (the self) and seek ‘taqwa’ (fear of accountability from our Creator that would then help abstain from the bad things).

Ramadan for Muslims is a training month so that they practice their abstinence from:

  • Temptations that were otherwise permitted on other days (any kind of desires, that include desires for food, sexual desires for the wife in the day)
  • Temptations for sinful activities (such as lying, deceiving, and all sorts of vulgarity, be it bad thoughts, bad talk, or bad actions)

But here are Some of the major scientifically proven health benefits of fasting include:

1. Fasting Improves gut Health

 As we all know, our gut is responsible for many diseases and disorders. Now you must be thinking about how fasting helps you with gut health.

 Well, during fasting your body is in energy conservation mode. This means your body is given a break. A beneficial bacteria in the gut, its growth increases during fasting, and thus your gut health is improved.

2. Maintaining the normal blood pressure of the body

The reason is that glucose in the body is broken down and the metabolic rate of the body is lowered.

3. Fasting kills cancerous cells

 As mentioned above, during fasting, the body is in energy conservation mode. This suppresses the growth of cancer cells and in fact, the energy production pathway is changed to ketosis. Also, fasting helps in generating new cells and regenerating the immune system.

4. Fasting improves Insulin sensitivity 

This, in turn, helps reduce obesity, maintain blood pressure, heart function, cholesterol levels, and eventually your diabetes.

5. Fasting helps your body detox

In a normal routine, you don’t give your body proper time to detox. Toxins and other harmful ingredients due to the processed foods that you are consuming are decreased by fasting, thus detoxification.

Not only this but if you simply want to keep your body, mind, and spirit right then fasting is your answer. Now, after we know the fasting benefits, it’s time to know Ramadan Dua for breaking fast.

Finally, we ask Allah to bring the days of Ramadan with peace and good, hoping to make the best out of Ramadan this year. And don’t forget to put the previous dua for breaking fast on your list this Ramadan.

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