Ramadan is a month in the Islamic calendar. It lasts 29 or 30 days that vary from year to year. The last 10 days are special because the Ramadan fasting is often more difficult during that time. Also, you are often more tired. But the nighttime of those last 10 days is said to be blessed.
So Muslims usually try to increase their worship during those days and resist the urge to relax or rest. In this concern in this article, we will discuss what distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan and how to observe these blessing days of Ramadan.
Significance of the last ten of Ramadan
The 10 importance of fasting in Islam is one of the most special months for Muslims, where all Muslims try their best to have more time for increased worship and acts of charity.
But the last 10 days of Ramadan hold significant importance with more blessings and greater rewards. Also, the prophet Muhammad’s peace be upon him used to spend these nights in constant worship. He used to exert himself in more worship during these ten nights than any other night of the year.
But what distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan is Laylat AlQadr the night of Power that is better than a thousand months.
Laylat AlQadr, the Night of Destiny or Night of Power, is one of the most sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. It takes place in the last ten days of Ramadan and was the night in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
How to prepare for the last 10 of Ramadan?
What distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan is that you can reap the whole benefits of Ramadan by asking Allah for salvation before the end of this holy month.
So to make the most out of these nights, you need to know what distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan and how to observe these special nights.
1. Observing laylat AlQadr the night of power
The Quran is Written about the Reward of Laylat alQadr the night of power. The exact date of laylat AlQadr is unknown, but It is thought to occur on odd nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan. Which are 21,23,25, 27, 29. This night equals 1000 years or more in the Reward of Ibadah.
This night is what distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan even more, as It is also believed that on this night Allah shows great mercy to His creation and the night in which one’s fate is decreed.
2. Performing I’tikaf in the last ten nights of Ramadan
Many Muslims choose to do I’tikaf by spending the last ten days of Ramadan in a Mosque or anywhere in their home.
where they can focus on worshiping and Ibadah and refrain from involvement in worldly affairs. It is also a time to reflect, increase worship, and increase one’s Islamic studies and religious knowledge, seeking closeness and mercy from Allah S.W.T
Many Muslims remain in Itikaf for 10 days as a great chance to tighten their heir relationship and become closer with Allah S.W.T. During this time Medication is one of the important things to start with, so make sure to be in the best of health.
You can also Prepare your patience, your attitude, and your behavior. Prepare spiritually, mentally, and physically with your list of dua that you want to make and recite the Quran even more.
3. Giving charity during the last 10 of Ramadan
What distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan is that you have the chance to gain multiple rewards by giving Ramadan charity or Sadaqa to those in need for the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah S.W.T.
By giving sadaqah during Ramadan, you can have rewards multiplied,d by 70, and the reward for any righteous act during Laylat alQadr is equivalent to having performed the same act for over 83 years.
You can give Ramadan donation or charity every day in the last ten of Ramadan so that if it falls on laylat al qadr it is as if you gave charity for 83 years.
Be a reason for their smile and happiness. Sit with them. Do Iftar with them, and realize the blessings of Allah in your life.
4. Seeking forgiveness from Allah
Allah S.W.T is the most forgiving, and every day in Ramadan he forgives many people at the time of Iftar. All humans are prone to sin. The best sinners are the ones who repent immediately.
Any sin short of shirk, Allah forgives as he wishes. ask Allah not to deal with you by his fairness, but to deal with you by mercy, forgiveness, abundant grace not to deal with you by his fairness, but to deal with you by his mercy, forgiveness, and abundant grace.
5. Saying different Zikr during the last 10 of Ramadan
Saying zikr in the last 10 of Ramadan is not what distinguishes the last Ramadan only but also the whole of Ramadan. As it helps Muslims to be in the constant mood of Ibadah. You can say Zikr like Allah Hu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, and much more.
6. Read and recite the holy Quran even more
Reading Quran in the last 10 days of Ramadan is very blessing and rewarding as reading one letter equals 10 rewards.
And sincerely start praying for forgiveness by reciting portions of the holy Quran with sending blessings upon the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Also offering optional Nafl prayers are recommended and rewardable acts of worship on these special nights.
7. Return to Allah with the best Dua
While laylat alQadr is what distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan with its hugely spiritual significance, it also signifies the end of the holy month of Ramadan. So on these blessing nights try to make the most out of the blessings of these few days, and make dua as much as you can.
So after you know what distinguishes the last 10 of Ramadan. It is your turn now to prepare well for these nights with more praying and doing more charity. And at the end, we ask Allah to bring these blessing days with good and blessings.