U. Hadir

what are the five pillars of islam?

What are the Five Pillars of Islam “Arkan Al Islam”  

The first pillar is Shahadah; the profession of faith in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as his messenger. The second pillar is Salat (prayers), performed at least five times daily facing Makkah. Thirdly, Zakat (almsgiving) involves paying 2 ½ % annual donation from one’s possessions for welfare purposes.  The fourth pillar, fasting …

What are the Five Pillars of Islam “Arkan Al Islam”   Leer más »

what are the Best Quran memorization techniques you need to know?

Best Quran memorization techniques you need to know

Quran memorization is one of the noble goals that every Muslim seeks to achieve. This task might be mentally, physically, and spiritually challenging, but it is worth the effort. And if you are non-Arabic speaking, Quran memorization will be a little challenging for you so you will need specific techniques for memorization.  For that reason, …

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Know more about Allah 99 Names & Attributes

Getting to Know Allah 99 Names & Attributes: Not Just 99 Names, but 99 Treasures

The lessons on Allah 99 Names & Attributes can be found in the Quran and Hadith, and are essential for Muslims to learn. By understanding these Names and Attributes, we can come to know Allah better and love Him more. We can also use this knowledge to make our dua’s (supplications) more effective. Muslims believe …

Getting to Know Allah 99 Names & Attributes: Not Just 99 Names, but 99 Treasures Leer más »

Tactics to learn Quran for kids in No time

5 Effective Tactics to learn Quran for kids in No time 

All Muslim parents worldwide are responsible for guiding their kids to the right path. And this starts with the childhood foundation of the Quran and the important teaching basics of Islam. Thanks to the internet, Muslims who live in non-Arab countries can now learn Quran for kids without going anywhere. Now you can learn online …

5 Effective Tactics to learn Quran for kids in No time  Leer más »

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