Quran Recitaion

How to learn proper pronunciation to recite the Quran

How to learn proper pronunciation to recite the Quran?

Reciting the Quran is an important part of Muslim worship, and proper pronunciation is crucial to ensure that the words are understood correctly and the recitation is done with respect and reverence.  Learning proper Quranic pronunciation may seem like an intimidating task, but with the right approach, it can be achieved.  In this article, we …

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what are the Best Quran memorization techniques you need to know?

Best Quran memorization techniques you need to know

Quran memorization is one of the noble goals that every Muslim seeks to achieve. This task might be mentally, physically, and spiritually challenging, but it is worth the effort. And if you are non-Arabic speaking, Quran memorization will be a little challenging for you so you will need specific techniques for memorization.  For that reason, …

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The Needed Time To Start Quran Recitation

What Is The Needed Time To Start Quran Recitation Properly?

To better understand their religion, Muslims all across the world study various aspects of Islam as well as its various doctrines. Learning needed time to start Quran recitation correctly is an essential step toward achieving this aim. The Holy Quran is the only holy book with trustworthy passages and provides an all-encompassing guide for how Muslims …

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