Happy Ramadan wishes and Quotes 2023

Happy Ramadan wishes and Quotes 2023
Happy Ramadan wishes and Quotes 2023
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The holy month of Ramadan is one of Islam’s five pillars that provides us with many opportunities to purify our hearts, souls, and minds.

Whether through fasting or praying to Allah S.W.T, Muslims devote themselves to self-sacrifice by forgetting their basic needs like food and drink seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

So Ramadan is the most sacred month for Muslims for its great benefits and virtues. So here are some happy Ramadan wishes and quotes to wish your Muslim friend and family a joyous Ramadan.

Why is Ramadan important for Muslims?

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, the month when the Quran was revealed to the prophet Mohammed PBUH. 

and Fasting during Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Fasting does not only exist in Islam, but rather other religions urge people to fast due to the tremendous health benefit of fasting.

 Muslims are commanded to fast during the month of Ramadan because of two main health reasons:

  • Spiritual health:
    Fasting, praying, and performing religious practices provide you with peace of mind and heart. Fasting makes you feel connected with your creator and therefore you will overcome all sorts of anxieties and depression
  • Physical health:
    Fasting is the time you give your body a break from all the junk you eat daily, and has countless benefits that range from losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and cholesterol, burning fat, and so forth.
  • We learned many lessons from Ramadan like compassion as you get to put yourself in the shoes of fewer fortunes and unprivileged. Besides other lessons like patience, temptations resisting, building self-control and willpower.

Happy Ramadan wishes and messages

here are some Happy Ramadan wishes and messages
here are some Happy Ramadan wishes and messages

In this holy month of Ramadan, we are all sending happy Ramadan wishes to our beloved ones like friends and family. So here are some Happy Ramadan wishes ideas you can share with your beloved ones:

  • Happy Ramadan to you, may Allah give you health and fortune and happy life.
  • I wish you and your family Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah give us the strength to fulfill the needs of this month.
  • In this holy month of Ramadan, I am wishing you and your family 4 weeks of blessings, 30 days of clemency, and 720 hours of enlightenment. Ramadan Mubarak.
  • May Allah bring countless moments of happiness and joy into your life. Happy Ramadan wishes.
  • Whenever you feel alone and sad, remember that God is with you. He will never leave you alone and guide you.
  • God has once again brought Ramadan into our lives and we must take this opportunity to do lots of Astaghfar. May God forgive us for all our sins.
  • I wish you and your family from the depths of my heart a very happy Ramadan. Always remember me in your prayers.
  • May Allah bring lots of happiness and blessings into your lives. Ramadan Mubarak!

Happy Ramadan wishes and quotes for year 2023 

what are the best Ramadan wishes and quotes for year 2023 ?
what are the best Ramadan wishes and quotes for year 2023 ?

Here you are the best collection of happy Ramadan wishes and quotes to share these Ramadan Kareem quotes with your beloved ones in English.

  1. For true Muslims, the end of Ramadan is not the end but the start of the new journey leading toward the Jannah.
  2. Let the spirit of Ramadan Rules remain in your heart and light up your souls. Eid Mubarak
  3. Ramadan Fasting men and fasting women, God has prepared forgiveness and a splendid wage.
  4. I wish you a peaceful and joyful Ramadan. May Allah fill your life with the divine light of luck and joy. Ramadan Mubarak
  5. Let our religions unite us for human kindness rather than dividing us on what we believe.
  6. May the spirit of Ramadan illuminate the world and show us the way to peace and harmony.
  7. I hope that Whatever is prayed for at the time of breaking the fast is granted and never refused.
  8. He who gives iftar to another fasting person shall earn a reward equivalent to a fasting man without detracting from the reward of the latter.
  9. The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down as a pure source of guidance for mankind. In it are clear teachings showing the right way and the criterion for judging truth and falsehood.
  10. The month of Ramadan is a period full of superabundant blessings, each of its nights and days is unequal to any other night and day.
  11. Self-reformation is the primary objective for the legislation of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan. Thus it is expected of every faithful to reflect inwardly on his belief and attitude to make necessary corrections and adjustments.

Happy Ramadan wishes and messages for friends

Muslims celebrate the holy month of Ramadan with each other, especially with friends and family. So, here we are presenting a compilation of happy Ramadan wishes for friends:

  • Happy Ramadan to you my friend, May this Ramadan offer you blessings and happiness.
  • Ramadan Mubarak my friend, hoping this year to have all the good deeds.
  • May Allah bless you and your family with peace and serenity this Ramadan.
  • Sending all my blessings and prayers to you, my friends, and your family. May Allah fill your home with peace and warmth.
  • I hope this Ramadan can offer you and live brightly, Ramadan Mubarak to you my friend.
  • Dear best friend, I send you all the happy Ramadan wishes and to have the ultimate happiness and peace.
  • Ramadan comes with mercy, happiness, and kindness, and I hope you fulfill all of them this Ramadan, Happy Ramadan to you.
  • My friend, I am sending happy Ramadan wishes and blessings from my home to yours, hoping you have all the happiness and the utmost success.
  • Ramadan Kareem to you my friend and your family, may your fasting and prayers get answered and have the acceptance of Allah.

Finally, try to enjoy this Ramadan by showing kindness, empathy, and sharing food. Let your friends join this holy journey together to make this celebration meaningful. Also, send those happy Ramadan wishes to your friends and family or anywhere you want and make better memories this Ramadan.

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