What is the Significance of Israa and Miraj night 2023

The Significance of Israa and Miraj night 2023
The Significance of Israa and Miraj night 2023
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Israʾ and Miʿraj is a Muslim celebration to commemorate the journey of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H from Mecca to Jerusalem.

This significant journey in the life of the prophet with its special marks and stages through heaven. So what and when is this night and what is its significance for Muslims?

What is miraj and Israa 2023 date?

Isra and Miraj are Arabic words and it is also named Isra Wal Miraj. According to the Arabic dictionary, Isra means walking at night or traveling, while Miraj means going up and rising.

Isra’ is for the prophet Muhammad’s journey from Masjid UlAqsa, while Miraj is the ascension along the seven skies in heaven.

Also, the Israa and Miraj are great signs of Allah S.W.T that point to many hidden truths about the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.

All Muslims around the world observe Israa and Miraj on the sundown of the 27th Rajab 1444 or on 17 Feb 2023 and end on 18 Feb 2023.

The night journey of Israʾ and Miʿraj 

the details of the night journey of Israʾ and Miʿraj 
the details of the night journey of Israʾ and Miʿraj

Israʾ and Miʿraj were the most miraculous journey of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H which took place in the Shab-e-Miraj (the night of Miraj) on the 27th of Rajab before he migrated to Madinah.

  The Prophet was in Makkah and under intense persecution by pagans of Quraysh who were strong and influential. 

 During their stay over there, the Prophet and his followers experienced a boycott imposed on them by the pagans which prevented the entire Quraysh from having any dealing with Muslims which caused the Muslims to suffer.

At this time the Prophet and his followers had sought refuge in the valley of Abu Talib (Sheb-e-Abi Talib) who was the chief of Quraysh and the Prophet’s paternal uncle.

 All social relationships were to be cut off, no financial dealings with Muslims, no buying and selling of even food to them, and all of this were imposed for 3 years on them which caused much stress and difficulties to the Prophet and all his followers. 

Abu Talib who was the chief of Makkah at that time was the main supporter of the Prophet that prevented them from killing him. 

It was during this time that 2 major losses happened with the Prophet which plunged him into such sorrow and grief that was extremely unbearable for him. Abu Talib, the only wall standing between him and the pagans fell, and he passed away. 

Khadija (may Allah be blessed with her) is Prophet’s only wife, she was his major financial and emotional support and due to himself being an orphan had always experienced a sort of motherly care from her, also passed away. 

So these 2 losses along with the extent of the boycott and sometimes the concerns some of his followers would express to him were indeed a burden unbearable for him.

Therefore it was right at this time that Allah (SWT) decided to bless the Prophet P.B.U.H with such a journey which would not just be a journey it would reveal to him everything that was hidden from him due to him being under immense sorrow.

Importance and significance of Israa and Miraj 

The importance of this Israa and Miraj (night journey & ascension) cannot be expressed in a few words even for the Prophet himself.

So as mentioned before, we understand the events that were taking place during the Prophet’s lifetime when this Night journey took place. This night was enormous for the Prophet himself.

It gave him insight into the future of Islam and the spread of its light throughout the world and also the future of mankind in this world and the hereafter.

As well as his position to all the Prophets and Messengers to ever have lived and the great exceptional status that he carried in nearness to Allah (SWT).

 All of this and much more he experienced in that event of Israʾ and Miʿraj (Night Journey & Ascension) that we can understand why its timing was perfect. 

After this journey, the Prophet gained the necessary strength and wisdom, the trust in Allah SWT required to move further in his mission entrusted to him as a final messenger of Allah for the entire mankind. 

With his gained courage he was able to infuse the same into the hearts of his followers, he revealed to them the knowledge of the future, who while believing in him and Allah S.W.T were able to assist him in his mission. Thus the history of Islam today bears witness to the importance of that journey.

Lessons learned from Israa and Miraj 

Five daily prayers is one of the lessons learned from Israa and Miraj 
Five daily prayers is one of the lessons learned from Israa and Miraj

Israa and Miraj have a direct impact on all Muslim’s daily lives in which the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H ordered his followers to do five daily prayers, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. Besides establishing the daily prayers, Israa and Miraj Night have many powerful lessons that Muslims can learn:

1. Allah’s ability to make the possibility of impossibility

The events of Israʾ and Miʿraj night were physically impossible and beyond any imagination of the people of any time.

The story of this night may sound fictional, however, we need to believe it with our hearts it is possible. As Allah SWT mentioned in the holy Quran in Surah Al-Isra’.

Israʾ and Miʿraj is a spiritual journey in which we should believe in Allah SWT who is capable of everything in this world.

2. Five daily prayers as a gift from Allah to us

Allah SWT has gifted us with the five daily prayers in this life. And due to its importance, the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H ascended to the heavens to communicate with Allah SWT directly.

When the prophet first met Allah SWT, he commanded that Muslims pray 50 times a day. But the prophet Musa advised the prophet Muhammad to negotiate to reduce the number of prayers until it became five times a day.

So all of this reflects Allah’s mercy and the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon his love and caring for his Ummah.

3. After each hardship, there will be ease

The journey of Israʾ and Miʿraj took place after a significant year in the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H that was called “the year of sadness”.

This year in which the prophet lost his uncle Abu Talib and his beloved wife Khadijah passed away. Also this year, the journey to Taif to spread and win people’s hearts was faced with rejection. 

The prophet was tired and wounded this year, but his faith in Allah was greater than anything that happened to him. So Allah SWT rewarded him with this wonderful and special journey.

The purpose of Israa and Miraj Night was a blessing for both the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H and his Ummah. Allah SWT showed the prophet his power and command to prepare him to be the best leader for the Islamic nation.

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