U. Jihad Mahmoud Abo ElHajjaj Ibrahim

🌟 Wide Experience in teaching Arabs the Qur’an with Tajweed since 2015 and experience in teaching non-Arabs the Qur’an with Tajweed, the Arabic language, and Islamic studies since 2020 in different academies:

  • The Qairawan Institute.
  •  Anas Bin Malek Academy.
  •  Bright Academy.

🌟 Having great passion especially in the field of teaching. She has had this passion since she was 9 years old when she taught her two kindergarten-age sisters the Arabic language, so they were able to read and write at the age of 6 years. 

🌟 Helped kids memorize short surahs besides learning them the basics of the English language at young age.

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