What is Ramadan value and importance for the Muslim community?

what is  Ramadan value and importance?
what is  Ramadan value and importance?
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Ramadan is the most charming and blessed period for the Muslim community. It is the period when Muslims celebrate their days by praying and fasting from dawn to dusk.

This holy atmosphere brings joy, harmony, and motivation to share in good deeds and do charity. So, the Ramadan Kareem value for all Muslims is great which emphasizes the ethics of generosity and empathy. And a lot of other values which we will discuss in this article, so keep focused to learn more.

Ramadan value and importance for family 

Ramadan is the time when all Muslims gather together, especially for families where Ramadan’s value comes. In Ramadan, families can come together during Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar or breaking fast meal.

These times give us the much-needed time to make close bonds and connections with our families. As we can help our parents prepare the food during meal times like Suhoor and Iftar. We Also can share the time in reciting the Quran with little kids and younger siblings. And other activities which can make us closer to family.

These activities can be praying together, reading the Quran, attending Iftar gathering events together, and going to local Mosques.

Therefore Ramadan is the best month for having this blessed time with family learning and growing together. it’s also the month when we can make the best and most cherishable memories with our families. So it is a way to not only bring the whole family together but also bring us closer to Allah S.W.T.

Ramadan value for Muslim community

what is Ramadan value for Muslim community?
what is Ramadan value for Muslim community?

Ramadan’s value is huge for the community as it brings different and many communities together under one purpose.

As we know, Ramadan fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, so the fasting value during this holy month creates a sense of unity between Muslims of different shapes and colors, regardless of background, age, or circumstances. Also, many Muslims share a lot of activities during Ramadan:

  1. Community Iftar gathering.
  2. Local street food stalls. 
  3. Muslims gather for Taraweeh in local Mosques, praying and listening to the reciting Quran from Imam as one.
  4. Many Muslims give Zakat or Sadaqah during this blessed month, as in the time of the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. the Muslim community has always valued giving charity to poor people.
  5. Many Muslims gather together trying to observe Laylatul Qadr (the night of power), especially in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Lalylatul Qadr is considered the holiest night of Ramadan, and it is the ideal time to pray more, make dua more, and give more charity together as one hand to share Ramadan values.
  6. All Muslim communities gather together and celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a time in which each one spends time with loved ones feasting and giving gifts.

So Ramadan is marked as a blessed time of good deeds and self-reflection, it holds great value in our lives as the Muslim community.

Ramadan’s value comes through uniting us together and elevating the acts of worship making us closer to Allah. It allows us to become the best version of ourselves.

Spiritual Ramadan value and importance

more information about Spiritual Ramadan value and importance
more information about Spiritual Ramadan value and importance

For all Muslims, Ramadan is considered to be a spiritual time, which allows us to have better self-reflection and discipline. Ramadan gives us a chance to have a shield to protect us from sins through fasting.

While fasting during Ramadan one will try to avoid all the haram things to make fasting acceptable. It doesn’t make a difference if one is eating or not. But what makes the difference is the pure soul.

While fasting one will avoid anger, bad words, and ill intention. Otherwise, you didn’t fast. You starved yourself from before sunrise to sunset. That’s the spiritual reason for fasting. To look after your soul. To put all illness of the soul aside.

Also, spiritual Ramadan value comes through other acts of worship like prayers, reciting the Quran, asking Allah for forgiveness, and giving charity. Such acts are pleasing to our creator, make us closer to Allah S.W.T, and have more rewards.

General overview of Ramadan value 

Ramadan has numerous lessons starting from how to develop our manners and moral attitude, how to strengthen our brotherhood, how to treat people as the prophet has taught us, and how to maintain unity among the Muslim community. So let’s have clear points of Ramadan value and importance for all Muslims.

Ramadan Social value

In this month the Muslims are more social with visits and iftar invites. We believe in greeting and meeting our friends and family to ask about each other’s well-being. Others who are not Muslims but know about Ramadan wish us well and admire our resolve towards adherence to one of the most important pillars of Islam.

Ramadan Scientific value

Fasting for an extended period helps us get rid of toxins in our bodies. At a certain point, our brain gets hit with feel-good chemicals which tend to alleviate symptoms of depression.

Fasting in Ramadan is about mastering yourself, once you control, maintain and master yourself you will master others, and will make a great impact in your life bodily and spiritually. 

Ramadan Personal value 

Having fasted for between 12–18 hrs we finally sat down to pray and eat a good meal. From being grateful to God for providing us with good food to feeling a slight sense of pride for having accomplished a fast in Ramadan for one more day. As we may have no time to think of other petty stuff that creates anxiety and depression.

Spiritual Ramadan value

It is said in Quran “ الا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب” – In the remembrance of God, a heart finds rest. And so the more we pray and recite the Quran we will find solace in the remembrance of God. 

For all Muslims, Ramadan value is like a clearance or liquidation of earning rewards and filling the scale of good deeds, since Allah is more generous in rewarding His righteous servant. And to be more pious and better to others around you.

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