Iman, or faith, is an essential pillar of the Islamic faith. It is faith in Allah and His prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Iman forms the basis for all other aspects of Islam and is at the heart of its beliefs.
The meaning of Iman, the Arabic word, is to believe. The 6 pillars of Iman include both an intellectual acceptance of certain teachings and a conviction that comes from within oneself. This inner conviction is known as yaqeen, which normally, Muslims achieve through experiencing it directly.
What are the 6 Pillars of Iman in Islam
Having Iman involves believing in Allah without seeing Him or having any tangible proof; it requires a person to have complete trust and commitment to Allah and His teachings. Iman also serves as protection against temptation and encourages a person to lead their life with righteousness:
- Pillar 1: Belief in God
Belief in God is one of the 6 pillars of iman in isalm
The first pillar of Iman (faith) in Islam is belief in God. According to Islamic teachings, Muslims must have complete faith and conviction that Allah is the one and only God worthy of worship.
This belief can be further expressed through reciting the Shahada: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.” Muslims believe that Allah is omnipotent and omniscient, capable of all things at any given time. They also strive to demonstrate this belief in their daily lives by submitting themselves wholly to His will.
In addition to believing in one true God, Muslims are taught to have faith in all the Angels, Prophets, scriptures, and revealed books sent by Allah throughout history. It’s believed that these prophets were chosen by God himself—from Adam up until Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- Pillar 2: Belief in Angels
Islam is a monotheistic religion that holds the belief in angels as part of its core values. Referred to as Pillar 2, the belief in angels is one of the six essential pillars of iman (faith) within Islam.
Angels are believed to be spiritual beings created by Allah who have no free will and only exist to serve God and obey his commands.
Angels are mentioned many times throughout Islamic scripture, and their primary role is one of guidance for humanity. In Islam, believers recognize four main archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and Azrael.
- Pillar 3: Belief in Books
Pillar 3 of Iman in Islam is the belief in books. It is one of the most important parts of the Islamic faith, as it includes the belief that all books revealed by Allah are true and should be respected. The Pillars of Iman also include belief in Allah, his messengers, angels, fate, and predestination.
The primary source for this pillar is found in the Quran, which Muslims believe was directly revealed from Allah to Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over 23 years.
Additionally, Muslims must believe in all other books sent down by Allah, such as Torah (Old Testament), Zabur (Psalms), and Injil (New Testament). These books are known as “Kotob” or “Divine Scriptures,” which have not been changed or altered since they were originally revealed.
- Pillar 4: Belief in Prophets & Messengers
The sixth and final pillar of Iman in Islam is the belief in Prophets and Messengers. This includes the belief that God has sent prophets throughout history to teach humanity how to live according to His will.
These prophets were chosen by God to convey His message, and as a part of their mission they also carried out miracles to prove their authenticity.
Muslims believe that all the prophets were sent with similar teachings: the worship of one Creator, the avoidance of sin, and ethical behavior towards family, friends, and strangers alike.
The most prominent prophet is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was sent as a mercy and guidance to mankind by Allah. Muslims believe he was not only a messenger but also an example for people to follow in life’s affairs.
- Pillar 4: Belief in Prophets & Messengers
The sixth and final pillar of Iman in Islam is the belief in Prophets and Messengers. This includes the belief that God has sent prophets throughout history to teach humanity how to live according to His will.
These prophets were chosen by God to convey His message, and as a part of their mission they also carried out miracles to prove their authenticity.
Muslims believe that all the prophets were sent with similar teachings: the worship of one Creator, the avoidance of sin, and ethical behavior towards family, friends, and strangers alike.
The most prominent prophet is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was sent as a mercy and guidance to mankind by Allah. Muslims believe he was not only a messenger but also an example for people to follow in life’s affairs.Â
- Pillar 5: Belief in the Day of Judgment
Pillar 5 of Iman, or faith in Islam, is Belief in the Day of Judgment. This is a crucial part of Islamic belief and cannot be ignored. Believing in the Day of Judgment means that Muslims believe in an afterlife where all actions will be judged and rewarded accordingly.
This concept is integral to how Muslims live their lives as they strive for good deeds and avoid sinful actions. The Day of Judgment serves as a reminder for Muslims to stay on the righteous path that Allah has laid out for them.
The concept of the Day of Judgment is deeply rooted within Islamic culture; it’s seen throughout literature, poetry, and artworks depicting its importance in Islamic life.
On this day every person will be held accountable for their deeds, regardless if they were intentional or not, and each soul will have to face its reckoning before Allah on Judgement day.
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- Pillar 6: Belief in Divine Decree & Predestination
The sixth and final pillar of iman in Islam is the belief in divine decree and predestination, also known as al-Qadar. This belief states that Allah has predetermined all the events that occur in the world, both good and bad. According to this pillar, a person’s destiny is not determined by chance or luck; rather, it is Allah who decides what will happen to each person.
Believers must accept whatever fate Allah has decreed for them without questioning it. This means having trust in Allah’s plan even when circumstances seem unfair or difficult. To accept divine decree and predestination is an act of great faith, as doing so requires surrendering to the will of God despite life’s many challenges. Only through this submission can one come closer to God and experience true peace within themselves.
The Significance of the 6 Pillars of Iman
Iman, or faith in Islam, is a crucial part of the religion. It is essential that all Muslims understand the six pillars of Iman and how to properly practice it. This article has discussed the importance of these pillars in detail and highlighted why each one is significant for Muslim beliefs and practices.
The main takeaway from this article is that Iman plays an integral role in upholding Islamic values. The six pillars are belief in Allah as the one true God, belief in His angels, His books such as Quran, His messengers such as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), belief in life after death, and belief in destiny both good and bad.Â
By understanding these pillars more deeply and strengthening them through prayer and reflection, Muslims can strengthen their faith so they can live according to Islamic teachings with confidence.
 Iman, Yaqeen, or faith, is a fundamental concept in Islam. The religious practice of Muslims is based on their unwavering belief in their creator and his teaching. To demonstrate this faith, 6 pillars of iman must be embraced by all followers of the Islamic religion.
These pillars provide a moral code that helps shape the spiritual lives of Muslims around the world. The pillars are the beliefs in God, Angles, Books, Prophets, the Day of Judgment, divine decree, and predestination.